Park Hill Public School boasts many programs and initiatives which when utilised successful can be greatly beneficial for students’ learning outcomes. The accelerated literacy program is designed specifically to help ‘accelerate the literacy needs of marginalised students (NALP 2012).’ Through this whole school program students with disadvantaged outcomes literacy levels can be greatly improved. Being involved in the Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership extra funding will be provided in order to improve students literacy and numeracy outcomes. It focuses on three key areas of quality teaching, school leadership and identification of where students need the most support (Australian Government 2012).
Despite the demographics of the area; the school staff at PHPS are committed and dedicated to the needs of their students. Utilise these individuals by engaging in professional conversations with them and gaining insight from their knowledge and experience. Effectively integrating yourself in a staff setting will provide endless benefits for not only your time at PHPS but for your future.
Despite the demographics of the area; the school staff at PHPS are committed and dedicated to the needs of their students. Utilise these individuals by engaging in professional conversations with them and gaining insight from their knowledge and experience. Effectively integrating yourself in a staff setting will provide endless benefits for not only your time at PHPS but for your future.
- National Partnerships on Literacy and Numeracy
This is the central website on National Partnership Schools. It is a great website to have a look around to start gathering information.
- National Partnerships Information Package
This information package provides detailed information into National Partnership schools.
- Fast facts on National Partnership Schools
This is a fast fact sheet on National Partnership Schools. It provides vital quick information about the selection of schools, funding distributions and strategies of implementation.
- Information on Accelerated Literacy
Provides information on how to successfully implement accelerated literacy programs.
- Henry Park Equity Resource Centre
Provides a detailed list of resources which can be utilised and borrowed in connection with accelerated literacy. The resources include books, dvds, practitioner guides, class book sets and kits. Great for text inspiration in the classroom.
- The Accelerated Literacy Teaching Strategies
Developed in South Australia this website gives great insight into teaching strategies designed with the accelerated literacy program. It provides information on how to design an accelerated literacy block. This site will be very usual when programming and planning.