Reward Systems

Reward systems are an effective way in which you can celebrate student achievement and positive student behaviour. The use of rewards within the classroom are a form of extrinsic motivation for students, encouraging them to participate cooperatively in academic and social learning experiences (Hoffman, Huff, Patterson & Nietfield, 2009). However, it is important to recognise that these rewards systems should be consistent and fair, providing students with motivation and encouragement (Mansor, et. al., 2012). You should try and implement a continual reward system that is based on upholding the classroom rules, rights and responsibilities (Hoffman, et. al., 2009; Mansor, et. al., 2012).
The Positive Teacher – Rewards (YouTube)
This short video by Sue Cowley explains the purpose of using rewards within the classroom. It provides further information on where to find a range of strategies to help develop positive classroom management systems within the classroom.
This short video by Sue Cowley explains the purpose of using rewards within the classroom. It provides further information on where to find a range of strategies to help develop positive classroom management systems within the classroom.
Teaching Ideas UK: Reward Ideas
This UK based website provides a range of practical reward system examples that can be implemented within the classroom. Click on the link below to access all of these great ideas.
This UK based website provides a range of practical reward system examples that can be implemented within the classroom. Click on the link below to access all of these great ideas.
Primary Resources: Behaviour, Rewards and Motivational Resources
This website provides a range of classroom management aids including great ideas for reward systems. It also provide some great printable strategies that you can implement with students in order for them to self-monitor their personal behaviour, feelings and attitudes. Click on the link below to access these great ideas.
This website provides a range of classroom management aids including great ideas for reward systems. It also provide some great printable strategies that you can implement with students in order for them to self-monitor their personal behaviour, feelings and attitudes. Click on the link below to access these great ideas.
Whole School Management and Reward Systems
Many schools implement a whole school approach to the organisation and implementation of reward systems. Mostly, these reward systems cover all aspects of the school environment including classroom, playgrounds and out of school settings. Students are commonly rewarded for the good behaviour that reflects and upholds the values that the school prides themselves on. This is also often stated in the whole school management system. Try to find out whether PHPS has a whole school system in regard to behaviour management and student rewards. If not, you could take some time to read through some of the following programs from different schools and draw some techniques and strategies from which you could implement within your own classroom.
Belmore North Public School
Balarang Public School
Unanderra Public School (Go to student welfare link)
Lakelands Public School (Go to student welfare policy)
Many schools implement a whole school approach to the organisation and implementation of reward systems. Mostly, these reward systems cover all aspects of the school environment including classroom, playgrounds and out of school settings. Students are commonly rewarded for the good behaviour that reflects and upholds the values that the school prides themselves on. This is also often stated in the whole school management system. Try to find out whether PHPS has a whole school system in regard to behaviour management and student rewards. If not, you could take some time to read through some of the following programs from different schools and draw some techniques and strategies from which you could implement within your own classroom.
Belmore North Public School
Balarang Public School
Unanderra Public School (Go to student welfare link)
Lakelands Public School (Go to student welfare policy)