Abadiano, H, R., & Turner, J. (2003). Home-school partnership: What works? New England Reading Asociation Journal. 39 (3), 58 – 62.
Autism Spectrum, Australia. (2012). Information sheets: Classroom ideas for students with Aspergers Syndrome. URL: (Accessed 23rd October, 2012).
Asperger Services, Australia. (2008). New Asperger Centre. URL: (Accessed 24th October, 2012).
Aronson, E. (2012). The Jigsaw Classroom. URL: (Accessed 7 October, 2012).
Arthur-Kelly, M., Lyons, G., Butterfield, N. & Gordon, C. (2007). Classroom Management: Creating positive learning environments (2nd Edition). Cengage Learning Australia. South Melbourne, VIC.
Australian Government. (2012). Literacy and Numeracy National Partnerships. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Australian Government. (2012). National Accelerated Literacy Program. URL:
Balarang Public School. (2012). General Information Folder: Student Welfare Policy. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
Barbour, N. H. & Seefeldt, C. (2001). Encouraging a positive learning environment. Education Horizons. 6(6), 22-23.
Belmore North Public School. (2012). Our Reward System. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
Benjamin, A. (2006). Valuing Differentiated Instruction. The Education Digest, ProQuest Central. 72 (1), 57 – 59.
Brady, L. & Kennedy, K. (2010). Curriculum Construction, 4th Edition. Pearson. Frenchs Forest, New South Wales. (2012). Brainstorming made simple. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
Bush, G. (2006). Differentiated Instruction. School Library Monthly, ProQuest Central. 23 (3), 43 – 45.
Can Teach. (n.d). Classroom Management: discipline and organization. URL: (Accessed 20 October, 2012).
Centre for Teaching Excellence. (2012). Group work in the Classroom: Types of Small Groups. URL: (Accessed 25 October, 2012).
Clark, I. (2010). Formative assessment: ‘There is nothing so practical as good theory.’ Australian Journal of Education. 54(3), 341-352.
Class Dojo. (2012). Homepage. URL: (Accessed 16 October, 2012).
Craven, R. (2011). Teaching Aboriginal Studies: A practical resource for primary and secondary teaching (2nd Edition). Allen & Unwin. Crows Nest, NSW.
Creative Education Ltd. (2011). The Positive Teacher – Rewards. URL: (Accessed 16 October, 2012).
Dempsey, I. & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2007). Maximising Learning Outcomes in Diverse Classrooms. Thomson. South Melbourne: VIC.
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). (n.d). Identification of good practice in the use of Personalised Learning Plans for Indigenous students: Case Study - Hillvue Public School NSW. (Accessed 22 October, 2012)
Dissanayake, C & Green, C (2010). Asperger's disorder signs and symptoms: Raising Children Network, accessed 02/10/12 URL:
Doak, A. (2012). Bugalugs Bum Thief by 2/3G. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Foreman, P. (2008). Inclusion in Action – 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning. South Melbourne: VIC.
Hallewall, K. (2002), Assembly Items- Lower, R.I.C Publications.
Hallewall, K (2002), Assembly Items- Middle, R.I.C Publications
Hallewall, K (2002), Assembly Items- Upper, R.I.C Publications
Habibis,D. & Walter, M. (2009). Social Inequality in Australia: Discourses, Realities & Futures. Oxford University Press. South Melbourne, Victoria.
Hoffman, K. F., Huff, J. D., Patterson, A. S., Nietfield, J. L. (2009). Elementary teachers' use and perception of rewards in the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education. 25, 843-849.
Inman,T., & Roberts, J. (2006). Differentitation Tips for Teachers; Practical Strategies for the Classroom, Part 2. The Challenge, Winter 2006.
International Reading Association. (2012). ReadWriteThink: Readers Theatre. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Joshakinnes. (2009). When the chips are down. URL: (Accessed 17 October, 2012).
KCBSTV. (2009). Readers Theatre 2009: The Stinky Tofu Man. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
Killen, R. (2009). Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from research and practice (5th Edition). Cengage Learning Australia. South Melbourne, Victoria.
Lakelands Public School. (2012). School Policies: Student Welfare Policies. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
Lemieux, C. M. (2001). Learning Contracts in the Classroom: tools for empowerment and accountability. Social Work Education. 20(2), 263-276.
Mansor, A. N., Eng, W. K., Rasul, M. S., Hamzah, M. I. M. & Hamid, A. H. (2012). Effective Classroom Managment. International Education Studies. 5(5), 35-42.
Marsh, C. (2010). Becoming a Teacher: Knowledge, Skills and Issues, 5th Edition. Pearson. Frenchs Forest, New South Wales.
MCEECDYA (Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs). Indigenous Education Action Plan Draft: 2010-2014 - for public comment. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
McKee, C (2012). Planning a school assembly checklist accessed 10/10/12. URL:
Merickel, Dr M L. (1998), Integration of the Disciplines: Reflection in Educational Practice, accessed 14/10/12
My Read (2002). Classroom Organisation: Working in Small Groups. URL: (Accessed 17 October, 2012).
National institute of nuerological disorders snd stroke. (2012). Aspergers Syndrome fact sheet. URL: (Accessed 23rd October, 2012).
New South Wales Board of Studies (n.d). Foundation Statements K-6 Educational Resources accessed 10/10/12 URL:
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (NSW DEC). (2012). Literacy Continuum K-6. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (NSW DEC). (2011). A guide for teaching and protecting children and young people (school version): Child protection awareness training. Professional Learning and Leadership Development Directorate. NSW.
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (2012). Family-School Partnerships Framework. URL: (Accessed 2nd October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2002). Talking Identity: Teacher's Handbook. New South Wales Department of Education Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate. Ryde, NSW.
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2005). Getting the Balance Right: The Department's Response to Time to Teach, Time to Learn. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (n.d). Curriculum Planning, Programming, Assessing and Reporting to Parents K-12. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2006). Policy Standards for
Curriculum Planning and Programming, Assessing and Reporting to Parents K – 12. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2003). Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools: A classroom practice guide. Ryde, NSW: NSWDET Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2006). Professional Learning and Leadership Development: Behaviour Management. URL: (Accessed 6 October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education (n.d), Protecting and Supporting Children and Young People, accessed 02/10/12. URL:
NSW Department of Education and Training (NSW DET). (2003) Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools: Discussion Paper. Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate, Sydney.
New South Wales Institute of Teacher (NSWIT). (2005). Professional Teaching Standards. URL: (Accessed 9 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (n.d). Supporting Students Behaviour Needs. URL: (Accessed 30 September, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2006). Student Discipline in Government School: Support Materials. URL: (Accessed 7 October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education (NSW DET). (2008) Curriculum Planning, Programming, Assessing & Reporting to parents K-12, accessed 10/10/12
New South Wales Department of Education (NSW DET). (2012). Learning and Teaching, accessed 09/12/12
New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (n.d). Programming and Strategies Handbook: Assisting Year 3 and 5 students who need additional support in literacy. Student Services and Equity Programs: Disabilities and Learning Difficulties Unit. Sydney, NSW.
New South Wales Department of Education and Training & New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated. (2004). The Report of the Review of Aboriginal Education: Yanigurra Muya: Ganggurrinyma Yaarri Guurulaw Yirringin.gurray: Freeing the Spirit: Dreaming an Equal Future. New South Wales Department of Education and Training & New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. Darlinghurst, NSW.
New South Wales Department of Education and Training (NSW DET). (n.d.). Curriculum Support. (accessed 09/10/12)
Department of Education and Communities. (2004). Policy and Implementation Strategies for the Education of Gifted and Talented students. URL: (Accessed 4th October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities. (2012). Protecting and Supporting Children and Young People. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Department of Education and Communities. (2004). Guidelines for the use of strategies to support the education of gifted and talented students. URL: (Accessed 4th October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2012). Supporting Student behaviour needs. URL: (Accessed 13th October, 2012).
New South Wales Smarter Schools National Partnership. (2010). Supporting our Aboriginal Students. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Nuttal-Vazquez, E., Li, C., & Kaplan, P, J. (2006). Home-School partnerships with Culturally Diverse Families. Journal of Applied School Psychology. 22 (2), 81 – 102.
Pendleton, J. (2010). Classroom Management Plan. EDCM201. University of Wollongong, NSW.
Perizzolo, C. (2012). Letter Home to Parents. Hayes Park Primary School, Internship Placement.
Perizzolo, C. (2011). Unit of Work; Living In communities – ‘Life on the Farm’. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
Powell, K. & Kallina, C. (2009). Cognitive and Social Constructivism: Developing Tools for an Effective Classroom. Education. v.130 n.2, p.241-248.
Principals Australia Institute. (2009). Dare to Lead: Partnership Build Success. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Principia College. (2011). Think, Pair, Share Strategy. URL: (Accessed 17 October, 2012).
Queensland Studies Authority. (2010). Year 6 Literacy: Example short assessment items. Queensland Studies Authority. Spring Hill, QLD.
Read Write Think. (2004). Cooperative Group Role Cards. URL: (Accessed 5 October, 2012).
Rex, J. (2005). Differentiating Instruction: The Journey. Students First Successes for All [conference]. Kennesaw State University, 15 November, 2012.
RM Education. (2012). Primary Resources: Behaviour, Rewards and Motivational Resources. URL: (Accessed 18 October, 2012).
RM Education. (2012). Primary Resources: Assembly Ideas and Scripts. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Rogers, B. (2004). Making a discipline plan. Journal of Classroom Education, 24 (2), 24-25. Informit Database (accessed 23 April 2010).
Rosenthal, D, M., & Sawyers, J, Y. (1996). Building successful home/school partnerships. Childhood Education, ProQuest Central. 72 (4), 194 – 200.
Scholastic Professional. (2012). Classroom Organization: The Physical Environment. URL: (Accessed 4 October, 2012).
School Learning Support Program (2010). Positively Engaging Parents. URL: (Accessed 4th October, 2012).
Slideshare (2012). Gifted and Talented Students. URL: (Accessed 20th October, 2012).
SparkleBox Classroom Teaching Resources. (2012). Aspergers Syndrome Visual cue cards. URL: (Accessed 8th October, 2012).
SparkleBox Classroom Teaching Resources. (2012). ESL Communication Fan cards. URL: (Accessed 8th October, 2012).
SparkleBox Classroom Teaching Resources. (2012). Visual Timetable Display. URL: (Accessed 8th October, 2012).
Students First Project (2012). School and Classroom strategies: Aspergers Syndrome. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Teachers Pay Teachers. (2012). Clip Chart Companion – Management Forms and Reward Printables: Making Smart Choices. URL: (Accessed 16 October, 2012).
Teaching Ideas. (2012). Reward Ideas. URL: (Accessed 15 October, 2012).
Teachnologoy (2012). Helping students going through divorce. URL: (Accessed 19th October, 2012).
Tomlinson, C. (2012). Differentitation. URL: (Accessed 18th October, 2012).
Tomlinson, C. A. & Kalbfleisch. M. L. (1998). Teach Me, Teach My Brain: A Call for Differentiated Classrooms. Educational Leadership. November, 52-55.
Tomlinson, C.A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms – 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Tsolaki, K. & Cornford, I. (n.d). Personal Learning Plan Usage in NSW Schools. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Unanderra Public School. (2012). Our School: Student Welfare Policy. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Bloom’s Taxonomy for Differentiation. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Bloom’s Taxonomy on Antarctica. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Classroom examples for differentiating for Gifted and Talented learners. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Gifted and Talented Students needs checklist. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
Waters, K. (2012). Programming. EDPD401. University of Wollongong, NSW.
Westwood, P. (2001). ‘Differentiation’ as a strategy for inclusive classroom practice: Some difficulties identified. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities. v.6, n.1, p.5-11
Williams, M. (2009). Supporting ESL Students in Inclusive Classrooms. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Autism Spectrum, Australia. (2012). Information sheets: Classroom ideas for students with Aspergers Syndrome. URL: (Accessed 23rd October, 2012).
Asperger Services, Australia. (2008). New Asperger Centre. URL: (Accessed 24th October, 2012).
Aronson, E. (2012). The Jigsaw Classroom. URL: (Accessed 7 October, 2012).
Arthur-Kelly, M., Lyons, G., Butterfield, N. & Gordon, C. (2007). Classroom Management: Creating positive learning environments (2nd Edition). Cengage Learning Australia. South Melbourne, VIC.
Australian Government. (2012). Literacy and Numeracy National Partnerships. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Australian Government. (2012). National Accelerated Literacy Program. URL:
Balarang Public School. (2012). General Information Folder: Student Welfare Policy. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
Barbour, N. H. & Seefeldt, C. (2001). Encouraging a positive learning environment. Education Horizons. 6(6), 22-23.
Belmore North Public School. (2012). Our Reward System. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
Benjamin, A. (2006). Valuing Differentiated Instruction. The Education Digest, ProQuest Central. 72 (1), 57 – 59.
Brady, L. & Kennedy, K. (2010). Curriculum Construction, 4th Edition. Pearson. Frenchs Forest, New South Wales. (2012). Brainstorming made simple. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
Bush, G. (2006). Differentiated Instruction. School Library Monthly, ProQuest Central. 23 (3), 43 – 45.
Can Teach. (n.d). Classroom Management: discipline and organization. URL: (Accessed 20 October, 2012).
Centre for Teaching Excellence. (2012). Group work in the Classroom: Types of Small Groups. URL: (Accessed 25 October, 2012).
Clark, I. (2010). Formative assessment: ‘There is nothing so practical as good theory.’ Australian Journal of Education. 54(3), 341-352.
Class Dojo. (2012). Homepage. URL: (Accessed 16 October, 2012).
Craven, R. (2011). Teaching Aboriginal Studies: A practical resource for primary and secondary teaching (2nd Edition). Allen & Unwin. Crows Nest, NSW.
Creative Education Ltd. (2011). The Positive Teacher – Rewards. URL: (Accessed 16 October, 2012).
Dempsey, I. & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2007). Maximising Learning Outcomes in Diverse Classrooms. Thomson. South Melbourne: VIC.
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR). (n.d). Identification of good practice in the use of Personalised Learning Plans for Indigenous students: Case Study - Hillvue Public School NSW. (Accessed 22 October, 2012)
Dissanayake, C & Green, C (2010). Asperger's disorder signs and symptoms: Raising Children Network, accessed 02/10/12 URL:
Doak, A. (2012). Bugalugs Bum Thief by 2/3G. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Foreman, P. (2008). Inclusion in Action – 2nd Edition. Cengage Learning. South Melbourne: VIC.
Hallewall, K. (2002), Assembly Items- Lower, R.I.C Publications.
Hallewall, K (2002), Assembly Items- Middle, R.I.C Publications
Hallewall, K (2002), Assembly Items- Upper, R.I.C Publications
Habibis,D. & Walter, M. (2009). Social Inequality in Australia: Discourses, Realities & Futures. Oxford University Press. South Melbourne, Victoria.
Hoffman, K. F., Huff, J. D., Patterson, A. S., Nietfield, J. L. (2009). Elementary teachers' use and perception of rewards in the classroom. Teaching and Teacher Education. 25, 843-849.
Inman,T., & Roberts, J. (2006). Differentitation Tips for Teachers; Practical Strategies for the Classroom, Part 2. The Challenge, Winter 2006.
International Reading Association. (2012). ReadWriteThink: Readers Theatre. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Joshakinnes. (2009). When the chips are down. URL: (Accessed 17 October, 2012).
KCBSTV. (2009). Readers Theatre 2009: The Stinky Tofu Man. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
Killen, R. (2009). Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from research and practice (5th Edition). Cengage Learning Australia. South Melbourne, Victoria.
Lakelands Public School. (2012). School Policies: Student Welfare Policies. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
Lemieux, C. M. (2001). Learning Contracts in the Classroom: tools for empowerment and accountability. Social Work Education. 20(2), 263-276.
Mansor, A. N., Eng, W. K., Rasul, M. S., Hamzah, M. I. M. & Hamid, A. H. (2012). Effective Classroom Managment. International Education Studies. 5(5), 35-42.
Marsh, C. (2010). Becoming a Teacher: Knowledge, Skills and Issues, 5th Edition. Pearson. Frenchs Forest, New South Wales.
MCEECDYA (Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs). Indigenous Education Action Plan Draft: 2010-2014 - for public comment. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
McKee, C (2012). Planning a school assembly checklist accessed 10/10/12. URL:
Merickel, Dr M L. (1998), Integration of the Disciplines: Reflection in Educational Practice, accessed 14/10/12
My Read (2002). Classroom Organisation: Working in Small Groups. URL: (Accessed 17 October, 2012).
National institute of nuerological disorders snd stroke. (2012). Aspergers Syndrome fact sheet. URL: (Accessed 23rd October, 2012).
New South Wales Board of Studies (n.d). Foundation Statements K-6 Educational Resources accessed 10/10/12 URL:
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (NSW DEC). (2012). Literacy Continuum K-6. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (NSW DEC). (2011). A guide for teaching and protecting children and young people (school version): Child protection awareness training. Professional Learning and Leadership Development Directorate. NSW.
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (2012). Family-School Partnerships Framework. URL: (Accessed 2nd October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2002). Talking Identity: Teacher's Handbook. New South Wales Department of Education Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate. Ryde, NSW.
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2005). Getting the Balance Right: The Department's Response to Time to Teach, Time to Learn. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (n.d). Curriculum Planning, Programming, Assessing and Reporting to Parents K-12. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2006). Policy Standards for
Curriculum Planning and Programming, Assessing and Reporting to Parents K – 12. URL: (Accessed 24 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2003). Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools: A classroom practice guide. Ryde, NSW: NSWDET Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2006). Professional Learning and Leadership Development: Behaviour Management. URL: (Accessed 6 October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education (n.d), Protecting and Supporting Children and Young People, accessed 02/10/12. URL:
NSW Department of Education and Training (NSW DET). (2003) Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools: Discussion Paper. Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate, Sydney.
New South Wales Institute of Teacher (NSWIT). (2005). Professional Teaching Standards. URL: (Accessed 9 October, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (n.d). Supporting Students Behaviour Needs. URL: (Accessed 30 September, 2012).
NSW DET (New South Wales Department of Education and Training). (2006). Student Discipline in Government School: Support Materials. URL: (Accessed 7 October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education (NSW DET). (2008) Curriculum Planning, Programming, Assessing & Reporting to parents K-12, accessed 10/10/12
New South Wales Department of Education (NSW DET). (2012). Learning and Teaching, accessed 09/12/12
New South Wales Department of Education and Training. (n.d). Programming and Strategies Handbook: Assisting Year 3 and 5 students who need additional support in literacy. Student Services and Equity Programs: Disabilities and Learning Difficulties Unit. Sydney, NSW.
New South Wales Department of Education and Training & New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated. (2004). The Report of the Review of Aboriginal Education: Yanigurra Muya: Ganggurrinyma Yaarri Guurulaw Yirringin.gurray: Freeing the Spirit: Dreaming an Equal Future. New South Wales Department of Education and Training & New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Inc. Darlinghurst, NSW.
New South Wales Department of Education and Training (NSW DET). (n.d.). Curriculum Support. (accessed 09/10/12)
Department of Education and Communities. (2004). Policy and Implementation Strategies for the Education of Gifted and Talented students. URL: (Accessed 4th October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education and Communities. (2012). Protecting and Supporting Children and Young People. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Department of Education and Communities. (2004). Guidelines for the use of strategies to support the education of gifted and talented students. URL: (Accessed 4th October, 2012).
New South Wales Department of Education and Training (2012). Supporting Student behaviour needs. URL: (Accessed 13th October, 2012).
New South Wales Smarter Schools National Partnership. (2010). Supporting our Aboriginal Students. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Nuttal-Vazquez, E., Li, C., & Kaplan, P, J. (2006). Home-School partnerships with Culturally Diverse Families. Journal of Applied School Psychology. 22 (2), 81 – 102.
Pendleton, J. (2010). Classroom Management Plan. EDCM201. University of Wollongong, NSW.
Perizzolo, C. (2012). Letter Home to Parents. Hayes Park Primary School, Internship Placement.
Perizzolo, C. (2011). Unit of Work; Living In communities – ‘Life on the Farm’. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
Powell, K. & Kallina, C. (2009). Cognitive and Social Constructivism: Developing Tools for an Effective Classroom. Education. v.130 n.2, p.241-248.
Principals Australia Institute. (2009). Dare to Lead: Partnership Build Success. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Principia College. (2011). Think, Pair, Share Strategy. URL: (Accessed 17 October, 2012).
Queensland Studies Authority. (2010). Year 6 Literacy: Example short assessment items. Queensland Studies Authority. Spring Hill, QLD.
Read Write Think. (2004). Cooperative Group Role Cards. URL: (Accessed 5 October, 2012).
Rex, J. (2005). Differentiating Instruction: The Journey. Students First Successes for All [conference]. Kennesaw State University, 15 November, 2012.
RM Education. (2012). Primary Resources: Behaviour, Rewards and Motivational Resources. URL: (Accessed 18 October, 2012).
RM Education. (2012). Primary Resources: Assembly Ideas and Scripts. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Rogers, B. (2004). Making a discipline plan. Journal of Classroom Education, 24 (2), 24-25. Informit Database (accessed 23 April 2010).
Rosenthal, D, M., & Sawyers, J, Y. (1996). Building successful home/school partnerships. Childhood Education, ProQuest Central. 72 (4), 194 – 200.
Scholastic Professional. (2012). Classroom Organization: The Physical Environment. URL: (Accessed 4 October, 2012).
School Learning Support Program (2010). Positively Engaging Parents. URL: (Accessed 4th October, 2012).
Slideshare (2012). Gifted and Talented Students. URL: (Accessed 20th October, 2012).
SparkleBox Classroom Teaching Resources. (2012). Aspergers Syndrome Visual cue cards. URL: (Accessed 8th October, 2012).
SparkleBox Classroom Teaching Resources. (2012). ESL Communication Fan cards. URL: (Accessed 8th October, 2012).
SparkleBox Classroom Teaching Resources. (2012). Visual Timetable Display. URL: (Accessed 8th October, 2012).
Students First Project (2012). School and Classroom strategies: Aspergers Syndrome. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).
Teachers Pay Teachers. (2012). Clip Chart Companion – Management Forms and Reward Printables: Making Smart Choices. URL: (Accessed 16 October, 2012).
Teaching Ideas. (2012). Reward Ideas. URL: (Accessed 15 October, 2012).
Teachnologoy (2012). Helping students going through divorce. URL: (Accessed 19th October, 2012).
Tomlinson, C. (2012). Differentitation. URL: (Accessed 18th October, 2012).
Tomlinson, C. A. & Kalbfleisch. M. L. (1998). Teach Me, Teach My Brain: A Call for Differentiated Classrooms. Educational Leadership. November, 52-55.
Tomlinson, C.A. (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed ability classrooms – 2nd Edition. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Tsolaki, K. & Cornford, I. (n.d). Personal Learning Plan Usage in NSW Schools. URL: (Accessed 22 October, 2012).
Unanderra Public School. (2012). Our School: Student Welfare Policy. URL: (Accessed 21 October, 2012).
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Bloom’s Taxonomy for Differentiation. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Bloom’s Taxonomy on Antarctica. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Classroom examples for differentiating for Gifted and Talented learners. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
University of Wollongong, Faculty of Education (2011). Gifted and Talented Students needs checklist. University of Wollongong, EDTD302.
Waters, K. (2012). Programming. EDPD401. University of Wollongong, NSW.
Westwood, P. (2001). ‘Differentiation’ as a strategy for inclusive classroom practice: Some difficulties identified. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities. v.6, n.1, p.5-11
Williams, M. (2009). Supporting ESL Students in Inclusive Classrooms. URL: (Accessed 10th October, 2012).